CIH 1.0 Journal Articles

Trends in State-Level Child Mortality, Maternal Mortality, and Fertility Rates in India

October 2016

Health Affairs

Vidit Munshi, Gavin Yamey, and Stéphane Verguet

Mexico’s path towards the Sustainable Development Goal for health: an assessment of the feasibility of reducing premature mortality by 40% by 2030

August 2016

The Lancet Global Health

Eduardo González-Pier, Mariana Barraza-Lloréns, Naomi Beyeler, Dean Jamison, Felicia Knaul, Rafael Lozano, Gavin Yamey, and Jaime Sepúlveda

Protecting human security: proposals for the G7 Ise-Shima Summit in Japan

May 2016

The Lancet

The Japan Global Health Working Group

Reorienting health aid to meet post-2015 global health challenges: a case study of Sweden as a donor


Oxford Review of Economic Policy

Gavin Yamey, Jesper Sundewall, Helen Saxenian, Robert Hecht, Keely Jordan, Marco Schäferhoff, Christina Schrade, Cécile Deleye, Milan Thomas, Nathan Blanchet, Lawrence Summers, and Dean Jamison

Transformative Innovations in Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health over the Next 20 Years

March 2016

PLOS Medicine

Cyril Engmann, Sadaf Khan, Cheryl Moyer, Patricia Coffey, and Zulfiqar Bhutta

Translation Research for Tuberculosis Elimination: Priorities, Challenges, and Actions

March 2016

PLOS Medicine

Christian Lienhardt, Knut Lonnröth, Dick Menzies, Manica Balasegaram, Jeremiah Chakaya, Frank Cobelens, Jennifer Cohn, Claudia M. Denkinger, Thomas G. Evans, Gunilla Källenius, Gilla Kaplan, Ajay M. V. Kumar, Line Matthiessen, Charles S. Mgone, Valerie Mizrahi, Ya-diul Mukadi, Viet Nhung Nguyen, Anders Nordström, Christine F. Sizemore, Melvin Spigelman, S. Bertel Squire, Soumya Swaminathan, Paul D. Van Helden, Alimuddin Zumla, Karin Weyer, Diana Weil, and Mario Raviglione

Tools and Strategies for Malaria Control and Elimination: What Do We Need to Achieve a Grand Convergence in Malaria?

March 2016

PLOS Biology

Janet Hemingway, Rima Shretta, Timothy Wells, David Bell, Abdoulaye Djimdé, Nichole Achee, and Gao Qi

Which New Health Technologies Do We Need to Achieve an End to HIV/AIDS?

March 2016

PLOS Biology

Glenda Gray, Fatima Laher, Tanya Doherty, Salim Abdool Karim, Scott Hammer, John Mascola, Chris Beyrer, and Larry Corey

Eliminating the neglected Tropical Diseases: Translational Science and New Technologies

March 2016

PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases

Peter Hotez, Bernard Pecoul, Suman Rijal, Catharina Boehme, Serap Aksoy, Mwelecele Malecela, Roberto Tapia-Conyer, and John C. Reeder

Transforming Global Health by Improving the Science of Scale Up

March 2016

PLOS Biology

Margaret Kruk, Gavin Yamey, Sonia Angell, Alix Beith, Daniel Cotlear, Frederico Guanais, Lisa Jacobs, Helen Saxenian, Cesar Victora, and Eric Goosby

Implementing pro-poor universal health coverage

11 December 2015

Lancet Global Health

Participants at the Bellagio Workshop on Implementing Pro-Poor Universal Health Coverage: Jesse Bump, Cheryl Cashin, Kalipso Chalkidou, David Evans, Eduardo González-Pier, Yan Guo, Jeanna Holtz, Daw Thein Thein Htay, Carol Levin, Robert Marten, Sylvester Mensah, Ariel Pablos-Méndez, Ravindra Rannan-Eliya, Martín Sabignoso, Helen Saxenian, Neelam Sekhri Feachem, Agnes Soucat, Viroj Tangcharoensathien, Hong Wang, Addis Tamire Woldemariam, Gavin Yamey

Achieving a “Grand Convergence” in Global Health: Modeling the Technical Inputs, Costs, and Impacts from 2016 to 2030

9 October 2015


Colin F. Boyle, Carol Levin, Arian Hatefi, Solange Madriz, and Nicole Santos

How much donor financing for health is channeled into global versus country-specific aid functions?

13 July 2015

The Lancet

Marco Schäferhoff, Sara Fewer, Jessica Kraus, Emil Richter, Lawrence H Summers, Jesper Sundewall, Gavin Yamey, Dean T Jamison
Datasets for analysis of donor financing in global health

Germany, the G7, and global health

5 March 2015

BMJ 2015;350:h1210

This BMJ editorial discusses bottlenecks in global health and calls for health systems, new tools, and delivery science to be top of the agenda for Germany and the G7.

Offline: Can one turn an inspiration into reality?

7 February 2015

Horton R

The Lancet, Vol. 385, No. 9967, p492

Putting palliative care on the global health agenda

February 2015

Powell RA, Mwangi-Powell FN, Radbruch L, Yamey G, Krakauer EL, Spence D, Ali Z, Baxter S, De Lima L, Xhixha A, Rajagopal MR, Knaul F

The Lancet Oncology, Vol. 16, No. 2, p131-133

Avoiding 40% of the premature deaths in each country, 2010–30: review of national mortality trends to help quantify the UN Sustainable Development Goal for health

September 19, 2014
Norheim OF, Jha P, Admasu K, Godal T, Hum RJ, Kruk ME, Gómez-Dantés O, Mathers CD, Pan H, Sepúlveda J, Suraweera W, Verguet S, Woldemariam AT, Yamey G, Jamison DT, Peto R
The Lancet, Vol. 385, No. 9964, p239-252

The 2030 Sustainable Development Goal for health: must balance bold aspiration with technical feasibility

August 26, 2014
Yamey G, Shretta R, Binka FN
The BMJ, Vol. 349, pg5295

Investing in Health – authors’ reply

March 15, 2014
Yamey G, Jamison DT, Summers LH
The Lancet, Vol. 383, No. 9921, p950-951

Grand convergence: a future sustainable development goal?

January 18, 2014
The Lancet
The Lancet, Vol. 383, No. 9913, p187

Investing in health: why, what, and three reflections

December 7, 2013
Horton R, Lo S
The Lancet, Vol. 382, p1859-1861

Time for even greater ambition in global health

December 7, 2013
Kim JY
The Lancet, Vol. 382, pe33-e34

Investing in health: progress but hard choices remain

December 7, 2013
Chan M
The Lancet, Vol. 382, pe34-e35

Towards a more robust investment framework for health

December 7, 2013
Clark H
The Lancet, Vol. 382, pe36-e37

A grand convergence and a historic opportunity

December 7, 2013
Dybul M
The Lancet, Vol. 382, pe38-e39

Reinvesting in health post-2015

December 7, 2013
Engström H, Khin PT, Coll-Seck A, Petersen RH, Asamoa-Baah A, Machel G, Sezibera R, Phumaphi J, Pablos-Mendes A, Müller U, Grijns L, Whitbread J, Dare L, Laxminarayan R, Lange JE, Nordström A
The Lancet, Vol. 382, p1861-1863

Global Health 2035: A world converging within a generation

December 3, 2013
Dean T. Jamison, Lawrence H. Summers, George Alleyne, Kenneth J. Arrow, Seth Berkley, Agnes Binagwaho, Flavia Bustreo, David Evans, Richard G. A. Feachem, Julio Frenk, Gargee Ghosh, Sue J. Goldie, Yan Guo, Sanjeev Gupta, Richard Horton, Margaret E. Kruk, Adel Mahmoud, Linah K. Mohohlo, Mthuli Ncube, Ariel Pablos-Mendez, K. Srinath Reddy, Helen Saxenian, Agnes Soucat, Karen Helene Ulltveit-Moe, and Gavin Yamey
The Lancet, Volume 382, No. 9908, p1898–1955