CIH 1.0 Working Papers

The Inclusive Cost of Pandemic Influenza Risk

March 2016

National Bureau of Economic Research

Victoria Y. Fan, Dean T. Jamison, and Lawrence H. Summers

Evolution of the Value of Longevity in China

Shawn Chi, Solomon Lee, Gordon Liu, Dean Jamison

January, 2016

Achieving a “Grand Convergence” in global health: Modeling the technical inputs, costs, and impacts from 2016 to 2030

Colin F. Boyle, Carol Levin, Arian Hatefi, Solange Madriz, Nicole Santos

August 22, 2014

Priority Research Areas for Basic Science and Product Development for Neglected Diseases

November 26, 2013

Sue Goldie, Jennifer Edge, Christen Reardon, Cherie Ramirez

Secondary supporting background material

Sue J. Goldie, Jennifer S. Edge, Christen Reardon, Cherie L. Ramirez

November 26, 2013

Secondary supporting background material

Jennifer S. Edge, Steven J. Hoffman, Cherie L. Ramirez, Sue J. Goldie

November 26, 2013

Global collective action in health: The WDR+20 landscape of core and supportive functions

Nathan Blanchet, Milan Thomas, Rifat Atun, Dean Jamison, Felicia Knaul, Robert Hecht

July 5, 2013

Adolescent mortality in low- and middle-income countries

Kenneth Hill, Linnea Zimmerman

July 4, 2013